Fruit trees

We are down to 1 sleep! 1 more sleep until we bid on the start of our new life. I dreamed about the auction last night. I dreamed that I was busy doing something and then realised just as the auctioneer started on the “going… going…” Gut wrench! So, I woke up with the jitters and nerves this morning. Thankfully a friend was coming over and we planned a trip to either Collingwood Childrens Farm or CERES. We chose CERES and off we went. After discussions with Martin we had decided to buy our fruit trees and have them ready to plant out so I was given a licence to shop. Not as dangerous as it sounds, I’m not a huge fan of shopping, unless I’m op shopping but I must admit I had a good time choosing my trees and varieties.

I bought a cherry tree.

2 apple trees, A dwarf Red Delicious and a dwarf  Red Fuji and they both cross pollinate each other. Just need my Granny Smith now.

And a dwarf peach tree. Absolutely stoked to find this variety too. It’s a prolific bearer and prized for it’s bottling properties which is for what it is primarily wanted. Can’t wait to harvest and bottle my very own peaches! 😀

A mulberry tree which I plan to grow next to our chicken yard so they can gobble up any fallen berries. As I sit here looking at the picture I can smell my Nanna’s amazing mulberry pie in my memory. That 20+ year old memory is why I decided to plant a mulberry tree.

A lemon tree which has some big boots to fill. I am used to trying to figure out what to do with a surplus of lemons every year so I have high expectations of this fellow.

And some sultana grape vines. I am hoping to be able to dry some of our own sultanas in the future. We go through an awful lot of ‘tarnies’ in our house.

I still have a few other trees and berry bushes to get but I’m not in such a burning hurry now that I have these. I would like my apricot tree and olive trees in this year too but it doesn’t look likely to happen. For now though, I am a happy camper. We just need to unpack them all from the car in the morning. Oops. :/

Oh, and there is a 50% off sale on bare rooted trees at the moment too. Time to get down and grab a bargain.

Well, my sourdough is in the fridge ready for baking in the morning. The car is packed, the snacks are ready by the door for loading when we load up the kids, Martin has the bike and accessories ready, now just to try and get some sleep then get kids ready in the morning then off to Ballan we go. The last 6 weeks had seemed a very long time to wait 6 weeks ago but now that it’s here I can only say time has flown. I will let you all know how we go tomorrow. Wish us luck. 😀