A sad Saturday

This morning we made the sad discovery that Anna had birthed a buck kid and doe kid during the night but sadly neither lived. We believe they were stillborn. We’re unsure as to what has happened but both of us have a few “if only’s” we’re going over in our minds. I’ve begun milking poor Anna though and just watching to make sure there are no further problems with our dear goat.

If I am absent on here for a little while it’s just as we try to adjust ourselves to life with a milking goat as well as processing the sadness that we all feel.

Thanks for your understanding.

17 thoughts on “A sad Saturday

  1. Lynda says:

    Oh Jessie, how sad for all of you including Anna. Perhaps it relates to her situation before she arrived as she sure was given lots of TLC at your place. I will wait patiently for news. Chin up girlfriend.

  2. graceoverflowing says:

    Oh that must have been such a sad find. Thinking if your family, including Anna.

    • It was a pretty awful thing for Martin to find and just as sad when he brought them in to me. The kids coped very well though I must say and we held it together until later. Thanks for the support.

  3. Jo says:

    It’s so hard to come to terms with the death of animals in your care. Hoping Anna is fine, and you become very good at milking, which I hear is a bit of an art.

    • It is hard and it’s hard not to blame oneself too but it’s not always in our control. If the animals are fed and sheltered and cared for adequately then anything extra is usually out of our hands.
      As for milking, Anna sure let me know when I got it wrong. lol It is different to milking a cow which I believe involves stripping your fingers down the teat to empty it. Goats are more a squeeze and empty motion. If I had cold hands (nearly a given in winter) or pulled any hairs or on the teat she lifted a food up and pushed my hands away. Even though we only continued to milk for a few days, I think we had really begun to find our rhythm which gives me hope for next time now. And Anna was lovely to milk (when it worked too). We had a lovely time bonding.

  4. Nicole says:

    Oh Jess I’m so sorry to hear this. My heart breaks for you xxx I hope Anna stays in good health.

    • She is finally returning to health and in the space of one short week since we’ve readjusted her food she looks a heap better. Already her bones are far less prominent and I have high hopes for her health in as little as a month. We hope to get her back into optimum nutritional condition and then put her back in kid. If she’s not in tip top condition though we won’t be doing that. Thanks for your support.

  5. narf77 says:

    I would agree with Lynda on the reasoning, she has only had 5 star treatment at your hands. Poor Anna and Poor you :(. Hugs from Tassie.

  6. So sorry to hear your sad news 🙂 I can’t remember if I gave you a link to this blog:


    She’s in USA, and has had a similar experience to you. Hugs

  7. foodnstuff says:

    In your journey towards self-sufficiency there will be ups and downs and lots of learning. There’s no doubt you’re on the right road. Keep at it and you’ll reap the rewards, despite the bumps along the way. Thinking of you.

    • It’s disheartening to have had so many bumps this year but we’ve learned more than I can say and we’re far better prepared for next year now, more knowledgeable about how to deal with situations and how to prevent them. We haven’t had the easiest of beginnings but then again it hasn’t been so hard as to totally discourage us and the successes have been wonderful. We’re focusing very much about moving on and preparing for next time now.
      Thanks for the support.

  8. […] we didn’t realise at the time, pregnant with twins. We worked at fattening her up and then on August 3rd she surprised us with birthing twins, a boy and a girl, both sadly stillborn. We had only realised […]

  9. […] signs seem to indicate she is so here’s hoping for greater success than last year with both kids and milk. It’s time for me to get things ready, including building a milking stand and getting […]

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